Pentair Mastertemp 400 Troubleshooting
Most Common Pentair Mastertemp 400 Reported Problems
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Pentair Mastertemp 400 Pool Heater Not Working?
If you're experiencing issues with your Pentair Mastertemp 400 pool equipment, you're not alone. Many users have faced similar challenges and have shared their experiences to help others troubleshoot and resolve these problems.
I’m struggling! I have an issue with my Master temp 400 NG shutting down at 85 and the service heater light blinks for about a minute and then the heater starts up again for a few minutes. Andthen shuts down again and again. I am trying to heat the spa to 100 deg. I have replaced both sensor’s and have water tested the thermal coupler by running it under hot water and seen it open and close at the proper temperatures. My water pressure is 25 psi. My next move is replacing the circuit board which lights up when it shuts down. “Please Help”. Make me a believer in this heater that gets good reviews.
Submit Your Own IssueHeater comes on but won’t get on higher than 79 degrees
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