The Hayward Aquavac 600 Lights on PS: No lights
Connect Power Supply to appropriate GFCI Outlet
Cause | Solution | |
The Hayward Aquavac 600 Lights on PS: Fast flashing blue light
The Power Supply can’t detect or communicate with the cleaner
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The Hayward Aquavac 600 Lights on PS: Fast flashing red light
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The Hayward Aquavac 600 Lights on PS: Medium flashing yellow Light
The Power Supply is overheating (Limp Mode) cleaner is still operating at reduced power
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The Hayward Aquavac 600 Lights on PS: System Fault Detected
System Fault Detected
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The Hayward Aquavac 600 Lights on PS: Slow flashing yellow light
The System is stuck in Bootloader mode
Cause | Solution | |
The Hayward Aquavac 600 Cleaning the pump and thrust sleeve
Symptoms | Cause | Solution |
The Hayward Aquavac 600 Reset Wi-Fi connection on mobile device
Cause | Solution |
The Hayward Aquavac 600 Forgot/Wrong Wi-Fi Password
Cause | Solution |
Clignotant bleu rapide , problème de communication entre boîtier et robot. Malgré multiples branchement retranchement, entre prise mur et connecteur boîtier toujours rien. Nettoyage des broche mâle et femelle rien …. très énervant. Ne sait pas quoi faire
Submit Your Own IssueIt doesn’t want to move all of a sudden. Sometimes it does, slowly, but after a few moments it stops. The light on the vac is lit, on the control panel it goes to solid green, no blue, then reverts back to blinking red.
Submit Your Own IssueAquavac 650 will not turn on. Blue lights circle flashing and yellow wifi flashing. Will not turn on.
Submit Your Own IssueLights seem fine. They are green.
Submit Your Own IssueSeems like there isn’t any bubbles or moment out of the top vent anymore. Not sure if anything is working when I press the bottoms to start.
Our vacuum keeps going in circles. We reset it and it still won’t work correctly. What else can I do?
Submit Your Own IssueOur vacuum keeps going in circles. We reset it and it still won’t work correctly. What else can I do?
Submit Your Own IssueWhat are common issues with the 600 if it randomly has started turning over, going to corners and stopping and overall not completing a full clean cycle? A new behavior.
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